Catholic Daughters of the Americas® was established in 1903 under the patronage of the Blessed Mother to unite Catholic Women in the religious, charitable and education work of the church.
Local Chapter: Court Doyle 932
History: Court Doyle was organized in Coudersport, PA on December 14, 1924 thru the efforts of Miss Frances M Maher the PA State Regent and Reverend Francis S. Doyle, pastor of
St. Eulalia. There were 34 original members. The Annual Rummage Sales has been the primary fundraiser from the beginning.
Chaplain: Rev. Christopher Wheeler
Officers: Regent: Gloria RichardsonVice Regent: Julia Kolat Recording Secretary: Ellie Kightlinger Financial Secretary: Alice Slottje Treasurer: Megan Taylor
Standing Committees: Cards, Missions, Enrollments: Julia Kolat
Ceremonial Coordinator: Membership & Extension : All Court Members
Organist: Gloria Richardson Spiritual Educator: Monthly Committee Members
Motto: Unity and Charity Colors: Purple & Gold
Spiritual Education Topic: Magnificat Book In Honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Membership is open to Catholic women over 18 years old. Dues are $22.00.
Meetings: During the winter months (November through March), CD of A will meet on the first Sunday of each month at 12:15PM in the St. Eulalia Parish Center. During the months of September, October, April, May and June meetings are the first Tuesday of each month at 6:30 PM in the Parish Center.
No meetings are held in the months of January, July and August.
Interested in becoming a member? Contact any CD of A member.